

20 product with this note

Ambroxan production methods: synthesis, as well as extraction from sclareol contained in sage essential oil olfactor group: Ambergris state in the olfactor pyramid: the middle and main note of ambroxan (ambrox, ambroxide, cetalox, etc.) — the main component that detects the smell of natural animal ambroxin (a vital product of sperm whales)-was first synthesized in the 50s of the twentieth century by specialists of the Firmenich company. Thus, the perfumery industry has partially solved the issue of prohibiting the use of natural ambergris for itself, the production of which requires a lot of Labor and resources and is not capable of this, in addition, meeting the needs of a dynamically developing industry due to a small amount of initial raw materials and a long process of its processing.

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Products with Амброксан note 20 product with this note